Parasite Prevention

Parasite Prevention

Has something been bugging your pet lately? 

For the best parasite prevention in Fort Worth, TX, we recommend Annual Testing and monthly preventative measures for every pet.

Intestinal Parasites

All dogs and cats, regardless of lifestyle, can be at risk for intestinal parasites. Roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, and other pests leave eggs behind that your pet can unknowingly ingest or track into your home. You and your other human family members could accidentally bring parasites into the house, too! Because it’s virtually impossible to detect and remove these pests on your own, it’s essential to keep your dog or cat on worm preventatives throughout the year. Reach out to us for pet parasite prevention in Ft. Worth.

Fleas and Ticks

Fleas and ticks are external parasites, which means they can be found on your pet’s skin, in their areas, and even between their paw pads. Signs of a flea or tick infestation include scratching, hair loss, allergies, and skin infections. Fleas and ticks can also pass on intestinal parasites to your pet. Similar to intestinal worms, the key to preventing fleas and ticks from infiltrating your home and snacking on your pet (and you) is to give your pet monthly flea and tick preventatives throughout the year. Our team can offer the best recommendations for your pet so they can stay parasite-free year after year.


Mosquitoes are annoying for everyone, but they can also be dangerous to your pet. That’s because mosquitoes can be carriers of heartworm disease. When a mosquito feeds on a mammal infected with heartworms, the mosquito unknowingly ingests heartworm eggs. When the mosquito goes to feed on another host, they transmit the heartworm eggs into the host’s bloodstream.

It can take many months for heartworms to develop inside the body and take up residence around the heart and lungs, which is one of the reasons heartworm disease can be so dangerous. While infected dogs can be treated (though heartworm treatment is arduous and expensive), cats cannot be treated. Some dogs and cats may succumb to heartworm disease. This occurs when adult heartworms proliferate around the heart and lungs and prevent the flow of blood to and from the heart.

Symptoms of heartworm disease include heavy, labored breathing, chronic coughing, lethargy, and weakness. Year-round heartworm prevention is absolutely essential for dogs and cats.

Frequently Asked Questions About Heartworm

Heartworm disease is a condition in which heartworms enter your pet’s bloodstream as larvae and migrate to the heart and lungs, where they proliferate. Adult heartworms can grow up to 12 inches long.

Mosquitoes are the primary carriers of heartworm eggs, but not all mosquitoes carry them. When a mosquito bites a mammal infected with heartworms, they can then spread the infection to another host.

Symptoms of heartworm disease only become apparent the longer the infection persists. These symptoms include:

  • Coughing
  • Weight loss
  • Reluctance to exercise
  • Decreased appetite
  • Quick to become fatigued after moderate activity

Heartworm disease is mainly diagnosed in pets by performing a blood test to check for signs of heartworm eggs and larvae.

Heartworm preventatives are the best way to protect your dog or cat from heartworm disease. We recommend giving an appropriate monthly preventative all 12 months of the year to maintain your pet’s protection.

You can also take steps to minimize your pet’s contact with mosquitoes. Prevent the collection of stagnant water on your property and make sure windows are securely screened and closed.

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