Membership Plans
Unlimited exams, unlimited peace-of-mind
Our new membership plans are convenient for you while providing top-level care for your pet. With our bundled membership care services, you will not only save money – but get access to members-only perks!
Holiday Special: Sign up before 1/31 to get your enrollment fee waived and 50% off your initial exam fee!
VO Vets Membership Pet Perks
- Unlimited Office Visits
- Unlimited Comprehensive exams for nose-to-tail wellness
- Intestinal parasite tests and dewormings
- Heartworm/Ehrlichia/Anaplasma/Lyme Test
- Routinely-recommended vaccinations
- Hazardous waste fees waived
- 10% off all other diagnostic testing and spaying or neutering
- 10% off all other VO Vets services*
Boost Your Pet's Wellness
- Add a wellness pack to your pet's membership for essential health benefits:
- Spay/Neuter Pack: Safeguard your pet's health and prevent unwanted liters.
- Dental Pack: Keep your pet's smile bright with professional dental care.
Under 1 year old-
Vaccinations (6)
Heartworm Testing
FeLV / FIV Testing
Fecal Test
And More
1 year old OR OLDER-
Vaccinations (4)
Heartworm Testing
FeLV / FIV Testing
Fecal Test
And More
*Pharmacy, preventative, and food excluded from discounts
Boost Your Pet's Wellness
Add a wellness pack to your membership
Spay/Neuter Pack
Our spay and neuter services provide a safe, effective solution to prevent unwanted litters and promote the long-term health of your pet. Our experienced veterinary team ensures a comfortable, stress-free experience for your beloved furry family member.
Our spay and neuter services provide a safe, effective solution to prevent unwanted litters and promote the long-term health of your pet. Our experienced veterinary team ensures a comfortable, stress-free experience for your beloved furry family member.
Dental Pack
Ensuring your pet’s dental health involves regular, professional cleaning. Our pet dental membership pack provides comprehensive care, including full-mouth exams, tartar removal, root smoothing, enamel polishing, fluoride treatment, and guidance for ongoing dental care. Talk to your veterinarian about the right dental plan for your pet’s age and breed.
Ensuring your pet’s dental health involves regular, professional cleaning. Our pet dental membership pack provides comprehensive care, including full-mouth exams, tartar removal, root smoothing, enamel polishing, fluoride treatment, and guidance for ongoing dental care. Talk to your veterinarian about the right dental plan for your pet’s age and breed.
*Wellness Packs must added at the time of purchasing your Membership Plan